“Sure, I’ll download that directory for you and take a look”.
7,000 tiny .html files later. FTP doesn’t do individual files well!
Improve your Google ranking with Peter Mahoney, 20+ years SEO & Wordpress experience
“Sure, I’ll download that directory for you and take a look”.
7,000 tiny .html files later. FTP doesn’t do individual files well!
And now, to action!
I start each day by spending an hour pimping out my online presence (among replying to emails, and getting ready for the day). It’s totally worth it, but also not nearly enough!
Honestly, there’s so much I could be doing. I love it.
I’m putting a new, exciting hourlie up on PeoplePerHour, basically it’s a way for people to carry around (and give away) a local copy of their website! Marketing to the max.
The link to my PPH profile is, http://pph.me/peter – the link to the hourlie will follow shortly.
If there is one thing I’ve learned from using Facebook Pages (and I’ve learned a LOT) it’s that original content is key.
Simply sharing other people’s content isn’t good enough–it makes you look like a follower, not a leader.
In terms of numbers, I reach about five times more people with my own writing than I do sharing others’ links.
SHARE THIS and help me prove my point. 😉
Finally selected my Facebook “vanity” URL today, http://www.facebook.com/petermahoney.net
I’m looking forward to seeing the effect having not just my name, but my URL in there, might make to my SEO.
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