Total top tip for CSS font code and event font files.
Font Squirrel let’s you update a font and it’ll create the relevant CSS code for you, or choose from their pretty large font library.
Improve your Google ranking with Peter Mahoney, 20+ years SEO & Wordpress experience
Total top tip for CSS font code and event font files.
Font Squirrel let’s you update a font and it’ll create the relevant CSS code for you, or choose from their pretty large font library.
This sort of thing makes me cross. I got this to my inbox after I asked an “SEO Expert” why he was not only outsourcing to me (which in itself it fine, many people do), but why he was asking me pretty rudimentary questions about SEO.
His reply:
“I focus more on client acquisition instead of the actual work.”
And that’s a problem. If he was only marketing himself as an introductory service or something similar, fine. But he’s tell his clients he’s doing to work himself but in fact outsourcing it all, WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING THE FUNDAMENTALS OF THE WORK.
So he could be promising his clients all sorts of things without knowing if they’re possible or even probable.
This is what happens when you win a Webmaster of the Year competition.
Check out my profile views on the PeoplePerHour platform – they featured me yesterday.
I’ve rejigged my website to make the menu more reflective of my service priorities.
My main thing is monthly SEO so that’s now the first thing on the menu. Makes sense.
I’m noticing an increase in the number of WordPress sites I’m asked to work on where I’m told “just don’t update anything, the plugins have all been customised and we don’t want to over-write anything”.
Don’t do that sort of thing.
Just don’t.
Prices are quoted exclusive of VAT unless expressly stated.