I’m finishing early tonight, a mere 9.20pm!
I’m looking forward to a cup of tea, and opening my a book, Ritual by David Pinner.
Peter out!
Improve your Google ranking with Peter Mahoney, 20+ years SEO & Wordpress experience
I’m finishing early tonight, a mere 9.20pm!
I’m looking forward to a cup of tea, and opening my a book, Ritual by David Pinner.
Peter out!
Products I sell (known as “Hourlies”) through PeoplePerHour:
Google cache’s sites when it indexes them, meaning if you want to look at a page that doesn’t change all that often, you can easily take a look if the original site is down/slow to load.
It’s really easy. Simply add the URL you want to access (including the http://) after this:
So, for example: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://peter.mahoneywebmarketing.com will return the latest cached version of my homepage.
Easy, and useful!
DNS propogation: there MUST be a better way to achieve it then this “up to 48 hours” trickle down effect.
I can remove the “admin” vulnerability from your WordPress website for £10!
Prices are quoted exclusive of VAT unless expressly stated.