I regularly use an online skills marketplace called PeoplePerHour.
They recently named me their Webmaster of the Year!
Improve your Google ranking with Peter Mahoney, 20+ years SEO & Wordpress experience
I regularly use an online skills marketplace called PeoplePerHour.
They recently named me their Webmaster of the Year!
It’s been a hellishly long time but I plan to fire up the nerd stream again.
I was recently awarded the “Webmaster of the Year Award” by international skills marketplace PeoplePerHour.
They interviewed me about running my own business, and using their platform.
Speed issues, cost and possibly (hopefully) needing to upgrade to cope with all your traffic are all excellent reasons to consider a server move.
Moving the website is one thing, files, databases and DNS work all need to be done – but what about all your emails? Inbox, folder, sent items, drafts. How do you get those across?
And if you’re a server admin with full control over them, then this post isn’t for you. Because you have some clear pathways to move email from the old server to the new one.
But what about everyone else? The 99% of people who just pay for shared space with an existing hosting company, who just have a web based control panel (like Plesk or cPanel) they log into?
If that’s you, prepare for pain. Well, to varying degrees.
Simply put there’s never been a decent tool made to move email from server to server.
If you connect to your email currently via POP, that will mean you’re downloading your email to you local computer and therefore have a local copy. So losing the email from the existing server wouldn’t be a problem.
If you connect via IMAP (and most people do) then all your email is stored on the server, and would be lost. In this case you have 3 courses of action*:
That last one is a horrible job. I’ve done it on request before, but for an average small office email setup it can easily take a day.
My preference is to start again. Suck up that there’s going to be email lost, make sure you have copies of any current message threads and communication, and bite the bullet.
* = If you’re moving from one type of hosting control panel to another one that’s the same (for example cPanel to cPanel) – you have another option fortunately. Again it’s messy: you need to download your mail folder then recreate all the same email accounts on the new server and upload the mail folder to the same place on that new server. This often falls down though because of permissions issues, or server settings you can’t control (where mail is stored, etc.)
Over the past week I’ve seen more than my fair share of emails from Google regarding “Nonsecure Collection of Passwords will trigger warnings in Chrome 56″.
It’s a big change, but not exactly a surprising one.
Google has been pushing to make the web more secure for a long time. Seeing HTTPS and green padlocks all over the web has been a key direction for them – they’ve even given secure sites a ranking boost as part of their algorithms. This new change is really an extension of their general SEO ethos.
So anyone running the latest version of Google’s Chrome Browser (version 56) will see a warning when browsing any web page that asks for sensitive information. The examples they’ve given are passwords or credit card details but undoubtedly there’s other situations a user would be presented with a warning too.
I’ve been recommending web owners migrate to HTTPS for a few years, but now it’s become really important especially if you have any page users can log in through (including I expect WordPress Dashboard login pages like wp-login.php) or e-commerce.
These things may well be frustrating when they first crop up, requiring immediate changes to your website. But bear in mind Google has been open about their general desires for the web (that it be easy to find useful information, that it be secure, mobile friendly and fast) for a long time. So as long as you apply those same concepts to your own site as soon as you can then changes like this will actually put you ahead of the curve.
In case you know this impacts you but haven’t yet had the email from Google about it (or don’t use Google Search Console in which case you’d never get one) here is the text of their message:
Nonsecure Collection of Passwords will trigger warnings in Chrome 56 for http://www.domain.com/
To: owner of http://www.domain.com/
Beginning in January 2017, Chrome (version 56 and later) will mark pages that collect passwords or credit card details as “Not Secure” unless the pages are served over HTTPS.
The following URLs include input fields for passwords or credit card details that will trigger the new Chrome warning. Review these examples to see where these warnings will appear, and so you can take action to help protect users’ data. The list is not exhaustive.
{examples are given here}
The new warning is the first stage of a long-term plan to mark all pages served over the non-encrypted HTTP protocol as “Not Secure”.
Google Apps (used for business email, file sharing, calendaring etc.) is now rebranded as G Suite.
Which sounds like a bad mid-90s R&B group. (Try as I might, I can’t forget “Rappin’ 4-Tay”.)*
In their official blog post, Google said this is more in keeping more with their mission to provide a series of tools businesses use to further their own purposes. Basically rather than a series of individual applications coming together they see it as a stock set of tools within one Google system.
Fair enough.
Google Apps proved to be an invaluable tools for companies, schools and universities, and I do hope G Suite continues to build on and improve those systems.
But I do have one niggling concern in the back of my mind. Google Apps used to be free for small firms, then overnight all new accounts were subject to a subscription fee. Existing free accounts continued to run with charge – but any change to Apps brings a fear they might start to charge for those grandfathered accounts.
And with a change this big, well – Google Apps keep free accounts, but will G Suite?
Read the original Google blog post
*Although I thought of making this joke myself, I wasn’t the first, so credit goes here
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